proximity grouping

Pattern Me Pretty

Pattern: The composition of structural features such as color, line, texture, and shape.

Patterns are everywhere.  I mean everywhere!  Patterns can be composed, in nature, in science, in mathematics, in poems, and even in negative space.  There are so many possible inspirations for developing a pattern.  Where to start?!  My processes stars by deciding if the pattern will be a primary pattern or a secondary pattern.  My next step is letting my creativity run wild with inspiration while keeping the project objective in prospective.

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Grouping Proximity, Contiguity Grouping

Proximity Grouping: A special case of similarity grouping in which it is predicted that things which occur together in space will appear to belong together and those which are separated in space will appear to belong apart.  It is grouping by similarity of location.

Contiguity Grouping:  A special case of similarity grouping in which it is predicted that things which occur together in time will appear to belong together and those which occur at different times will appear to belong apart.  It is grouping by similarity of occurrence in time.

Grouping is a vital tool in branding when trying to develop behavioral conditioning.  When you have established behavioral conditioning, your customer knows what to expect from your brand; which can be anything from product attributes, brand mission, featured retailers, or brand values.  The most successful brands have conditioned their customers to expectations.

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